I like cats, I really do.
nyanyanyanya I read them before you!
Published on December 29, 2008 By Plantgirl In Demigod

I found it


And please help save Demigod Wikia by reading through it.



After this I realized that I like QoT even more than I did before!


Ranbir says she's a bitch, but I still wuv her alot...


Other less liked Demigods stories follow:




Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages1 2 
on Dec 29, 2008

How generic and dull. She is still, for me, the least interesting character in Demigod. 

on Dec 29, 2008

An Interesting start for a story to be sure. Anyway, I hope to give her a try when she is enabled.

on Dec 29, 2008
on Dec 29, 2008

It seems rather long... is this fanfiction or official?

on Dec 29, 2008
on Dec 29, 2008

I got them from strings_db.lua

Here's The Oak!


on Dec 29, 2008

nice work, Plantgirl...good find

on Dec 30, 2008

Their stories are actually in the game - on the character selection screen. When you're selecting a character, whichever one you currently have selected has a graphical "arrow," we'll call it, below them, to the right. If you click that, it tells you some pros/cons and their backstory.

on Dec 30, 2008

They're shorter versions in game

on Dec 30, 2008

Honestly, I preferred the old versions of the Backstories for those Demigods that already were in Beta 1. They were far less...black and white. The Unclean Beast wasn't just "evil magic demon thing", and Torchbearer wasn't just "powerful guy who went crazy when killed".

on Dec 30, 2008

Evil Jesus was cooler

on Dec 30, 2008

Evil Jesus was cooler

I agree.

on Dec 30, 2008

I preferred the old versions as well.

on Dec 30, 2008

They're shorter versions in game

Ah, indeed.

Alas - not wanting to offend any of the SD writers or whomever, but they don't come off well written... I assume they may well undergo further revision?

on Dec 30, 2008

Nights Edge
I preferred the old versions as well.

There's still the shorter versions, but I choosed only to take the full stories.


And frankly, I like them very much

2 Pages1 2