I like cats, I really do.
See the amazing moves made by this giant... building.
Published on August 7, 2008 By Plantgirl In Demigod

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHQ_tp37JpU RackhamRulz' (?) "Disco Rook" (No sound)

Linky: RackhamRulz .wmv

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu0sucsPFHk Plantgirl's "Real Disco Rook"

Linky: Plantgirl's .avi

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9khIrG7FLxU Plantgirl's "Beach Rook"

Linky: Plantgirl's .avi

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFSNs4X563Q Plantgirl's "Alp Rook"

Linky: Plantgirl's .avi 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lK_vLUX5O0 Plantgirl's "Party Rook"

Linky: Plantgirl's .avi



FF00FF is the Purple.

on Aug 07, 2008
on Aug 07, 2008
on Aug 07, 2008
on Aug 07, 2008
really funny

give us more ^^ ... more dancing ^^"
on Aug 07, 2008
wow   where did this animated rook come from?
on Aug 08, 2008
on Aug 08, 2008



on Aug 10, 2008
Can anyone yodel?
on Aug 10, 2008
The Rook goes to where the cats yodel!
on Aug 12, 2008
So, any plans for /dance to make it into the game? ./snigger
on Aug 12, 2008
I think someone has to say it before you make the Youtube community hate Demigod.

Could you stop adding this animation to different backgrounds, It is identical each and every time.
on Aug 13, 2008
It is identical each and every time.

Isn't that the point?
on Aug 13, 2008
I think someone has to say it before you make the Youtube community hate Demigod.Could you stop adding this animation to different backgrounds, It is identical each and every time.

Give me another animation and I'll make more original ones.
on Aug 13, 2008
NO! The original one was the Rook dancing on the pink background, Nothing past that was original. So while a new animation would be funny to see, you sticking it on 5 different backdrops would again, not be original.
on Aug 25, 2008
NO! The original one was the Rook dancing on the pink background, Nothing past that was original. So while a new animation would be funny to see, you sticking it on 5 different backdrops would again, not be original.